Uterine prolapse develops when the pelvic ligaments and muscles get stretched and weakened. For women, it cannot provide the uterus with sufficient support. As an outcome, the uterus tends to slip downwards or it bulges out from the vaginal cavity.
Uterine prolapse is not uncommon and is likely to happen to females at any age. But usually, it happens mostly post-menopause or in females who had deliveries through the vagina. The top urology hospital in Bangalore has the best urologist who offers the best diagnosis and treatment.
Normally uterine prolapse that is mild does not require much treatment. However, if you feel due to uterine prolapse and it disturbs your well-being then you need to follow proper medication and treatment. So, you must know if your prolapse is severe or not so that you can take the best course of action.
Symptoms of uterine prolapse
Uterine prolapse that is mild in nature usually does not have any such signs or symptoms. But indications or symptoms of moderate uterine prolapse to severe uterine prolapse are:
- A feeling of heaviness or a sensation as if something is pulling in your pelvic area
- Tissue bulging out from the vagina
- Trouble in passing urine, like urine leakage or urine retention
- Disturbed bowel movement
- A feeling as if there is a small ball under you while sitting, or like if some object is falling out from the vagina
- Sexual worries, like there is extreme looseness inside the vagina
Causes of Uterine prolapse
Uterine prolapse is the outcome of weakened pelvic muscles and other supportive tissues. The various causes are:
- Pregnancy
- Difficulty in labor and delivery and trauma during childbirth
- Delivery of a big size baby
- Being obese or overweight
- The lower level of estrogen after menopause
- Straining with bowel movements or Chronic constipation
- Chronic cough or bronchitis
- Repeated heavy lifting
Risk factors of Uterine prolapse
Reasons that can increase the chances of uterine prolapse are:
- More numbers of pregnancies and normal vaginal birth
- Having a big size baby
- Increasing age
- Obesity
- Any history of pelvic surgery
- Severe chronic constipation
- Family medical history of weak connective tissues
Complications in Uterine prolapse
The complications one might face due to Uterine prolapse are:
- Anterior prolapse (also known as cystocele): It is basically the weakness of the connective tissue that separates the vagina and bladder. This makes the bladder swell and pushes into the vagina. It is also known as the prolapsed bladder.
- Posterior vaginal prolapse (also known as rectocele): It is identified as the weakness of the connective tissue that separates the vagina and rectum may lead to swelling of the rectum into the vagina. Due to this, there might be difficulty in bowel movements.
Prevention for Uterine prolapse
To reduce the risks of uterine prolapse, one can try:
- Performing Kegel exercises regularly: These exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.
- Lifting weight has to be avoided: You have to avoid heavy lifting. When lifting becomes unavoidable, use the legs to carry the weight.
- Avoid weight gain: Determining the ideal weight and taking advice on weight-loss strategies from a professional.
- Treatment and preventing constipation: Drinking sufficient fluids and eating foods that are rich in fiber.
- Coughing control: Make sure to get treatment for a severe cough problem so that your prolapsed is not exposed to pressure.
Many times the symptoms are not bothersome in the first morning but gradually worsen throughout the day. So if you are facing any such symptoms it is time for you to visit a urologist who can give you the proper treatment and medication. The top urology hospital in Bangalore offers the best medication and treatment.