A massage is an effective tool for healing the body and alleviating a variety of painful conditions. If you experience back pain, massage can be an excellent addition to your complex therapy and a proper lifestyle. It helps to relax muscles, relieve spasms, improve motor functions, and calm the nervous system. In this article, you will learn in which cases massage can be done and in which it is forbidden, as well as find out the most commonly used techniques.
When Massage Is Recommended
Different methods can be used to treat back diseases. It can be both classical manual therapy and sessions using specialized equipment that is suitable for self-massage. On sites like this blog, you will find detailed recommendations for choosing the right devices.
Indications for any type of massage include:
- feeling of stiffness in muscles and joints (contracture);
- general fatigue in the area of the shoulders, back, and waist;
- postoperative recovery;
- sedentary lifestyle and consequently swelling;
- nervous tension and insomnia;
- weak muscle tone, and much more.
To get rid of physical and aesthetic problems, it is important not only to attend massage sessions regularly but also to use medication therapy, perform restorative exercises recommended by your attending physician, and change your lifestyle.
Back Massage Contraindications
Even though massage has a generally beneficial effect on the body, there are situations in which it is not only undesirable but even contraindicated:
- recent surgical operations;
- acute pain in the joints and muscles;
- open wounds, severe bruising, and burns on the skin;
- feverish state;
- high-risk pregnancy;
- cancerous neoplasms;
- fractures, etc.
In any acute condition, massage is prohibited since stimulation of the soft tissues, blood circulation, and lymphatic system can aggravate the situation and, for example, lead to the spread of cancer cells. Remember that self-treatment can be dangerous to health, so be sure to consult a specialist before starting.
Types of Massage for Back Pain
A consultation with your doctor is also necessary, as an expert will help you choose the most appropriate type for your particular case. Among the most common methods, it is worth highlighting the following:
- Swedish (gentle);
- deep tissues;
- sports;
- shiatsu;
- percussion;
- Thai;
- hot stone;
- trigger point, and so on.
Although these types differ in terms of technique and applied force, they can relieve muscle pain and improve joint mobility. At the same time, it is essential to remember that you should opt for an integrated approach and combine massage sessions with medical therapy, exercises, and the right daily routine to get rid of health issues completely.
Improve Your Condition With Correctly Chosen Technique
Massage is an affordable way to improve your condition and relieve pain in your back, shoulders, and lower back. It is recommended not only in the presence of health problems but also to improve overall well-being and psycho-emotional state. You can seek help from specialists or, if you have the right experience, do a self-massage.
How do you feel about massage therapy? Do you consider it effective, or are you sure it only has a temporary effect? Please share your experience with readers, and feel free to ask questions in the comments!